Sunday, November 20, 2011

Meet our Team + What We Are Doing + How YOU Can Get Involved

Family Breakfast + "Love" Notes

As we prepare for our three month outreach in Africa, we are becoming a close family here in Kona.
A few Saturdays ago the team leaders, Esther & Lindsay, made breakfast for the crew.

Strawberry scones
"A Mess" [scrambled eggs, sausages, red & green onions, & hash browns]
great coversation
one amazing family breakfast!

 Lindsay wouldn't say she is the best cook and half way through the process wasn't confident in her "mess". But thankfully it turned out and the team loved it! Esther baked the amazing strawberry scones!
The rest of the team set the table, drank their coffee and waited.

Our team wanted to set a culture of generosity and encouragement and decided to bake coffees and write notes to each student and staff in our Community Transformation DTS.

While the men baked the cookies the girls wrote the notes.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our mission

Community has taken on a whole new meaning to our team. We've learned it is not always comfortable, but it is founded on willing hearts that rely on others and choose to live in love. We are adopting the model of the Acts church and laying down our independence as we choose to become one unit completed with Jesus as the center.

In our newly beloved family there are a total of nine wild-hearted young people with the same passion to bring the simple gospel to every tongue, nation and tribe. We are excited to offer joy and change and share with them the name of Jesus.

By the grace of God, we have the incredible opportunity to meet with the government officials of the nation. This is crucial and our prayer is that change will begin in the leaders and the catalyst from this will change the nation forever. In this, we acknowledge that Jesus is our mediator and we are simply His translators. 

Each of us brings different passions to create a vision for what needs to be done while living there. One area we all feel passionate about, however, is bringing supplies to create clean water. In this nation, water has been the cause of deadly diseases. We want to take part in putting an end to the enemy's attack and bring tangible solutions that will result in joyous living as the Lord intended it. Our desire is to meet people's physical as well as their spiritual needs. Our hearts are already so broken for these people and in five short weeks we will get to live life with them, sharing is their same struggles and joys.

We are so honored to experience this community, to walk in faith and see Jesus at work with each hug, gulp of clean water, to see basic hygiene changes and to know the simplicity of the Gospel walked out. We have full expectancy for the miraculous. We are taking the possible steps and are so ready to see God do the impossible.

Please pray about giving to our team. 
As a family, we still need approximately $10,000 by 23 November. These funds will go towards cost of living, travel, and ministry costs.
Because of the outbreak of war and its newness to the world, the cost of living is extremely high in the nation we are going to.

Thank you so much for everything you have already given us. We love all of you and are blessed to share this journey with you. 

With Love and Appreciation,
Lucas, Josh C, Josh M, Elizabeth, Tara, Melodie, Victoria, Esther and Lindsay

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you, wherever he may send you;
may he guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm;
may he bring you home rejoicing at the wonders he has shown you;
may he bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors.